Inner Outar Forest

by Reza Hasni (2021)

Ships worldwide

44.64cm x 44.64cm

Archival Fine Art Print with Torn Edges
Limited Edition of 30 
Hand-embossed and Numbered by the artist

Please allow 10 - 18 days for orders to be printed and delivered.

Artwork description:
Welcome to the great reset: Nature. 


  • Have an open mind.
  • Hug a tree.
  • Carry your trash out of the forest. Consider picking up litter you find along the way.
  • Explore beyond the familiar path to find perspectives on and of the forest.


  • Feed or interfere with wild animals.
  • Step on anything. Step around.
  • Play loud sounds outdoors. Celebrate mother nature softly.
  • Uproot or pluck leaves, flowers or anything that may be alive.
  • Leave your litter behind.

Artwork is created for the audio-visual installation, ‘Inner Like The OutAR’ which uses augmented reality, set and sound design to imitate the magic of nature -- as if we need it.